Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health benefits of eating a balanced diet rich in fibre

There are many health benefits of eating a meal rich in fibre. Some of these are given below:

Gastro intestinal system: Certain soluble fibres help in the growth of certain bacteria that promote the health of colon. Insoluble fibre helps as a laxative. So it is actually beneficial for people who suffer from constipation. It also helps to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Heart Problems: High fibre intake also helps in the prevention of hypertension. The fibres help in the absorbtion of cholesterol. They also help in the increased elimination of cholesterol.

Diabetes: A diet with high fibre content will also be able to protect the person from diabetes and reduce the risk of getting diabetes. High fibre helps the person to feel full while eating and thus can help in promoting weight reduction. This is one of the main reason that fibre is included as part of the diet in many diet protocols.

Weight reduction: The other roles of fibre in weight management are that fibre increases the bulk in the content of the food. This helps in a feeling of satiety; it also causes delayed gastric emptying. It also has fewer calories. These things help in weight reduction.

It also helps the immune system and also increases bone strength. So it can be seen that the benefits of fibre are many. Certain supplements for high fibre diet are available in the market that has similar effect to the fibre intake in a regular diet.

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